< Blog : Creative Automation

Generating Zoom Office Backgrounds with Design Huddle


FreeOfficeBackgrounds.com showcases how to use Design Huddle to automatically generate designs from templates. 

For companies interested in creative automation, Design Huddle offers a powerful design editor that can be embedded into your site. To demonstrate what’s possible, our team created FreeOfficeBackgrounds.com, a site built on Design Huddle showcasing one example of creative automation. 

Customizing Zoom office backgrounds

FreeOfficeBackgrounds.com allows users to upload their company logo and instantly generate a gallery of branded virtual backgrounds for Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams. 

A gallery of professional, realistic backgrounds branded with the user’s logo is instantly generated.

Users can make simple tweaks, like adjusting the fit or repositioning the logo. They can then download the images they like best and upload them to their meeting platform. 

Creative automation on Design Huddle

Let’s take a look at how our team built FreeOfficeBackgrounds.com.

First, we created background images for each of the office backgrounds using Midjourney, enhanced them with realistic lighting and shadows in Adobe Photoshop, and imported them into Illustrator where we designed the logo placement. From there, we exported them as PDFs and uploaded them into the Design Huddle platform as templates. Within Design Huddle, we added the variable placeholders and locking for end users’ logos to be added programmatically. 

The creative automation process dynamically adds the user’s logo to the designated zone within each design template.

Design Huddle’s Smart Template Preview feature allows the end user to preview multiple templates generated simultaneously, in real-time. 

We also gave the end user the ability to make small tweaks to the logo using the Design Huddle editor. If the logo is too small, for example, they can use the editor to zoom in or crop the logo within the designated placeholder. While users don’t have the option to customize the background, they can edit the logo within the parameters we defined. This maintains the integrity of the design templates while creating a seamless editing experience for the user within the site. 

View the source code for this project on GitHub for a sneak peek into what it looks like to build an editing experience using Design Huddle.

Support for every integration

FreeOfficeBackgrounds.com is one of many examples for using Design Huddle to build an editing experience that incorporates creative automation. Every integration is unique. But no matter what your integration looks like, we give you hands-on support from onboarding and integration planning through every stage of your journey with us.

Contact us to learn more about building a custom editing experience for your users on Design Huddle.

August 27, 2024